Welcome to Aging In Reston

Aging in Reston (AIR) is group of concerned citizens and organizations seeking to understand the needs and perceptions of Restonians and help create solutions toward making Reston a great place for people of all ages and abilities.

Aging in Reston has a new website! Please visit www.AginginReston.org to stay up-to-date with this initiative!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Aging in Reston at the Reston Farmers Market

Volunteers from Aging and Reston and the Reston Historic Trust engage with Farmers Market visitors.
Aging in Reston Volunteers received a warm welcome from attendees at the Reston Farmers Market this Saturday. Even though the heat and humidity was somewhat unbearable, dozens of Restonians came by to ask questions, engage in conversation, and take our survey.

A special thanks to the Reston Historic Trust for sharing their booth with us.  We hope to continue to have a presense at the Farmers Market right up to our October 9th event!